Once the devil took control of the earth from Adam, God set in motion a plan to send His Son to defeat Satan. The Bible says Jesus stripped and made a mockery of Satan.

David said in Psalms to praise the Lord and be thankful in all things. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. How we overcome in this life is to praise God when we go through things.

Our words are powerful. God has given us the power to change our world with our words. Father God created the earth with His words, and the Bible says we have that same power.

Jesus spoke to the tree and it died. To have the faith to move mountains you have to speak it over your life.

the Bible says we are to write or engrave God's word on our hearts. You're believer is in the heart. To not be double minded we have to change what beliefs the world has tried to put in us.

The Bible teaches that Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Many of us have prayed in faith for something and didn't get it. Hope is the seeing or believing like we already have it. Hope is needed for your faith to work.

The Holy Spirit is listening to the Father and sending us what to do with our lives. The Holy Spirit is always transmitting the voice of the Father if we listen.

Knowing how God leads and guides us through life is the only way to be successful. In this series on the Holy Spirit, Pastor Terri shows us how to hear and know the Father's voice.

Jesus said you must be born again to inherit the kingdom of heaven. We must understand what it means to become a child of God.

God has given us the gift of tongues. The Bible says that tongues are speaking mysteries to the Father. When Paul says to pray without ceasing, he was talking about tongues.

Jesus said you will receive power and might after you become filled with the Holy Spirit. There is more than just accepting Jesus as your savior. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a free gift to those who ask.

Many places it says that Jesus went around healing all the sick. God the Father will never send sickness to teach you a lesson. You have to know that God wants the very best for us.